03 December 2007


I was just saying the other day that I'm sure the two most complained-about parts of people's lives are their JOBS and their MARRIAGES, and I, lucky girl that I am, feel like I have the best of each of these. Here I am, at home on an extended maternity leave, EXCITED about returning to work: getting back to the books and the kids and the bustle of education. It's one thing to be excited about a new job; it's a miracle to be excited about *returning* to your old job.

Also, I have said since the beginning of my marriage that it is the best marriage of anyone I know. Granted, I am not inside anyone else's home, but I see very little evidence in the outside world of marriage partners who do anything more than tolerate their spouses. I am *so* grateful that my husband and I really are best friends, revel in each other's company, prefer each other to anyone else, laugh ALL the time, steal time to see each other like teenagers and actually have conversations about everything from science, religion and literature to movies, cartoons and idiot thoughts. I am not just sharing my home with this guy; I'm sharing my life. How wonderful is it that this is how I get to live?!

Aside from that, I've ALWAYS been thankful for this big, close extended family of mine: aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. From the time I was a kid, I knew that other people are not all like us. We're low on drama (not empty, mind you, but low) and high on laughter and good times. Since my mom's side of the family is pretty much the only side I have, I feel blessed that it's so close.

There are also just tons of little things I'm thankful for, things I don't want to take for granted. A (new) house, a car that runs (even if it is 9 years old), a college education, a television, a computer, a cell phone (ah, technology!), living in a small town where I can go for a walk down my street without having to worry about guns or smog, being known and liked, being alive and able to walk, talk and think without assistance or restriction, the right to question and discuss. Books and music.

Now, I have this great kid to be thankful for: these little glimpses of a dimpled smile, sweet little (long!) toes, tender sleepy moments. And, after five weeks of visiting my baby in a box, invaded by tubes and IV's, and not getting to hold him, I'm even thankful for 3am feedings, dirty diapers and bawling sessions.